Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Stellaluna Bat craft

For our Stellaluna program this summer we made a toilet paper roll bat.  I think it looks a lot like a Bat at the Beach bat.  The templates can be found at DLTK's crafts for kids and can be printed in black and white or color.  We chose black and white to print on brown construction paper.  We also had a volunteer cut out the feet ahead of time as we thought the younger children might have trouble with these. Another volujnteer cut apart all the pieces and also cut out all of the pieces for the youngest children.  Most of the program attendees were toddler to preschool age but we did have a few older ones who cut everything on their own and  few younger ones who need everything cut.  We had have all the pieces clipped together so we could set them out ahead of time along with the paper roll.

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